Moso Bamboo

I found a nerdy tidbit the other day: Moso Bamboo.

Bamboo is generally known as an incredibly quick to grow—named the fastest-growing woody plant on Earth—and reaches close to 100 feet. Most quickly germinate and ascend in a matter of days.

But one type of bamboo is different. Instead of immediately sprouting, Moso Bamboo is a champion of patience. It waits not months but years before coming up.

It adopts a “wait and see” approach. During its years underground, the Moso seed monitors environmental conditions: soil moisture, temperature, and even the presence of other plants. Only when certain thresholds are met does the seed finally decide to sprout.

It made me chuckle. I thought of two things: 1) We can have all the talent in the world— but timing, environment, and luck make as much of a difference, and 2) an overnight success is 10 years in the making. 🎋